It may take a couple of weeks to months to complete the parasitic stage. The larvae feed on nutrients inside the host absorbing them directly through their skin and moulting as they grow. Once inside the host the larvae live inside the primary body cavity. Some larvae have a sharp spike-like appendage on their anterior end that acts as a needle that penetrates host tissues. Marine species in the genus Nectonema specialise in parasitising crustacean hosts underwater. The intermediate hosts act as transportation from aquatic areas to their terrestrial hosts. Outside the UK, other species specialise in parasitising terrestrial hosts such as mantids by first being consumed by mosquitos or mayflies.

Some species such as Spinochordodes tellinii and Paragordius tricuspidatus infest hosts such as grasshoppers or crickets that feed on vegetation with larvae attached.

They are then eaten alongside vegetation or drunk with water by a suitable host which varies between species. When the eggs hatch, the larvae can encyst to survive until they are ingested. In the larval stage, these worms must find an arthropod host to complete their life cycle, often killing the host, making them obligate parasitoids.Įggs are laid in sticky strings underwater or on nearby vegetation depending on the species. If we're going to make sure that a horrifying epidemic of mind-controlling worms doesn't take over humanity, we're going to have to get to know our enemy a little better.AboutHorsehair worms’ adults are free-living in aquatic freshwater or marine environments and capable of moving across damp terrestrial areas. Studies documenting the risk of horsehair worms infecting humans have been published recently and the results are more than a little disconcerting. Parasitic horsehair worms primarily target invertebrates like insects but scientists believe that the worms are increasingly becoming a concern for humans as well. Highly invasive, these creatures can take over a host's bodily functions, even going as far as rewiring their victims' brains.

Many horsehair worms can even grow to be as heavy as the hosts they inhabit. Here you can meet members of the phylum Nematomorpha, creepy worm parasites that leave their victims scarred both physically and emotionally. Also known as horsehair worms, these disgusting pa rasitoid animals can be found in nearly every corner of the globe terrorizing their hosts and sucking the life right out of them. If you haven't been traumatized today, then you've come to the right place.